Team building activities are the kind of investments that boost everything from employee happiness to team cohesiveness. Team building activities don’t have to be stressful or over the top. If you don’t have time to plan a big team building event or need a quick fun activity to pump up your teams, don’t worry!
Here are 3 free team building ideas to help inspire your teams. From simple ice breakers to fun workplace scavenger hunts, turn these ideas into activities and watch your teams succeed.
The Casual Icebreaker: Icebreakers questions don’t have to be scary or stressful! A perfectly executed icebreaker can be a powerful tool to strengthen your teams and encourage creativity. Ditch the traditional icebreaker questions and re-imagine them to fit your company’s style. Example: If you were a wrestler, what would be your entrance song? Slip icebreakers into daily meetings or conference calls to get your teams laughing and excited.
Get Out of the Office: Have a meeting that doesn’t need to be held in a conference room? A company luncheon that could be held at a cafe? Get your employees out of the office! This is an awesome way to boost morale and inspire hard work. Simply switching up the work day and getting fresh air can be more beneficial than you realize.
Let the Games Begin: Playing games at work isn’t counterproductive. Contrary to popular belief, a mid-day session of ping-pong or charades can actually help employees re-focus. Games take our minds off stressful tasks and help us relax. Perfect for fostering friendly competition and giving your teams a much deserved break, in-office games help revive teams. They’ll be ready to go back to work with a fresh pair of eyes and a little more energy.
Use these awesome team building ideas as inspiration to develop your own free activities.. Don’t forget: Team building activities help make teams stronger, happier and more successful. Do you have any free building activities you love?