Make the #TBT work in your favor! Our friends over at Museum Hack posted this great piece on how Instagram can be used for team building. We wanted to share it with you here at Team Building SF
To use Instagram for team building the key is to embrace the best aspects and features of the photo sharing app. Check out 5 ways Museum Hack encourages you to use Instagram team building.
The age of banning social media at work may be coming to an end. Many companies are nixing the no-social media policy simply because it’s nearly impossible to enforce – especially with the amount of people who own a smartphone or smartwatch. Others, hoping to stay relevant while fostering success and communication, are encouraging it.
Praise & Recognition
Praise and recognition are key to having happy and hardworking employees. Instagram is perfect for showing your employees that you appreciate what they do. You can make a separate Instagram account for internal posts and announcements or use the company’s public Instagram. Post weekly or bi-weekly photos recognizing an employee or team for their hard work. Recognition of this ilk not only shows your employees you appreciate them, but shows their co-workers, too.
For more great ways to use Instagram for Team Building, read the full post here: