Boosting Employee Engagement Through Team Building

It’s no secret that happy employees are better team members. And the most direct path to team members’ happiness is through engagement; team members that feel engaged are more likely to perform better and put more trust into management. Deepening your employees’ engagement levels will result in a more productive and successful company. In a … Read more

New Bar Works Co-Working Space Opens in San Francisco

Jack’s restaurant, a historic building in downtown San Francisco, is finding new life as a co-working space; it is being revitalized by Bar Works, a company that has 3 similar spaces in New York City. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Bar Works decided upon the historic venue in order to make a statement as … Read more

Pokémon GO Team Building Possibilities

Museum Hack Premieres Pokemon Themed Tours Upon its release on July 6, 2016, Pokémon GO became a quick internet sensation – swiftly surpassing apps like Twitter and Tinder in number of users and quickly rising to the top of the App Store charts. As the Pokemon GO craze continued, Museum Hack continued their pattern of … Read more

When Team Building Is Necessary

If you’re here on, you know that team building is important, and you also know that there are certain situations that call for team building more than others. There are certain times when your team is operating on all cylinders, and others when they could use some improvement. It is crucial in these moments … Read more

Team Building Lessons Learned From Museum Hack

New York-based company, Museum Hack has recently moved into the Bay Area neighborhood and brought with them their unique brand of team building activities centered around the exciting and unknown stories of the artifacts and pieces at the de Young Museum. They have had great success with team building activities in New York City, and … Read more

3 Active Team Building Ideas

The words “team building” often conjure up images of stiff and awkward team members participating in trust falls in the breakroom or rather unwillingly playing a quick icebreaker game around the table in the conference room before a meeting. However, that does not have to be the case. These Bay Area businesses offer team building … Read more

Bay Area Booze-Infused Bonding

Nothing lightens the mood and relaxes inhibitions quite like  a good cocktail, and these three companies all offer team building activities in San Francisco that feature alcohol. Whether your team is learning bartending skills, cooking appetizers for a cocktail event, or participating in an authentic grape stomping, these activities will have them laughing, learning more … Read more

5 Team Building Activities That Taste Great

Food can be a great social elixir, whether your group is sitting down to eat a meal together, or learning to prepare one. Food can create a shared experience and be a conversation starter, breaking down barriers that would otherwise remain in place. These 4 companies offer food-based team building activities in San Francisco with … Read more